U Turns in Nevada
U-turns are generally allowed in Nevada and Las Vegas if they can be completed safely. In business areas, you must be at an intersection...

Are you an Aggressive Driver ? Quiz for Las Vegas Drivers
Take the quiz ! https://www.aaafoundation.org/are-you-aggressive-driver
Do Higher Speed Limits Result in More Fatal Crashes?
A new study linking higher speeds to tens of thousands of fatalities is reigniting the debate as to whether raising the speed limit makes...

Las Vegas: Truck Crashes Into Welcome to Downtown Las Vegas
Las Vegas: Truck Crashes Into 'Welcome to Downtown Las Vegas' Sign on South 4th Street One vehicle was involved in Sunday's crash and no...

Summer Behind The Wheel Lessons
Summer in Las Vegas is busy season for drive lessons. I usually recommend calling several days in advance to book. There is always cold...

Don't leave your pet in the car !
Even for a few minutes in Las Vegas heat can be fatal. The Las Vegas crime of leaving a pet unattended in your car in unsafe conditions...