Escuela de Manejo North Las Vegas
Aprende a manejar rapido con nosotros. Nevada Drive Academy Nuestro objetivo es formar conductores responsables y capaces para que esto...

Learn in a Fun Easy to Drive Kia Soul
We offer driving lessons throughout Las Vegas including Summerlin and Boulder City. Our students have often commented on the KIa Soul we...
DUI suspected in fatal pedestrian crash in central Las Vegas
Updated August 3, 2017 - 10:53 pm A Las Vegas pedestrian was hit and killed by a suspected drunken driver Wednesday night in the central...

Road Rage Information that could save your life
Definition of Road Rage The term Road Rage was coined by local news station KTLA in Los Angeles after a string of shootings occurred on...

Fatal accident investigated at Sunset and 215 Beltway
By Ricardo Torres-Cortez (contact) Thursday, July 6, 2017 | 2:49 p.m. NEVADA HIGHWAY PATROL Lance Kaanoi Jr. Related Story Fatal accident...
Nevada Driving Laws you Should Know
Cell Phones & Texting on Nevada Roadways During the course of my driving lessons, almost at every stop light there is at least one driver...

WSP: Teen driver was texting, Snapchatting and on FaceTime prior to rollover crash
BATTLE GROUND, Wash. — A 17-year-old girl is now facing criminal charges after she pulled off a "hat trick" of distractions while driving...

Should you only use the left lane to pass?
Do you love the left lane? When you head out on the 215 , do you automatically steer toward the left lane because that’s traditionally...

Victims of Teen Distracted Driving
Almost every student I train has no idea the cell phone is required by law to be turned off in the car. One of the half a million tragic...

Teen Drivers Ed
Drivers Education was always part of the public high school curriculum until in recent years. With the advent of internet access schools...