WSP: Teen driver was texting, Snapchatting and on FaceTime prior to rollover crash

BATTLE GROUND, Wash. — A 17-year-old girl is now facing criminal charges after she pulled off a "hat trick" of distractions while driving along SR-503 in Southwestern Washington Friday morning.
The girl was heading north near milepost 13 outside of Battle Ground when a car ahead of her slowed to turn into a driveway.
That driver noticed the teen coming up fast behind her and tried to veer to the right, but her car was struck in the back left corner.
The teen's car was spun around and rolled over, while the victim's car was knocked into a ditch, according to troopers.
The teen was taken to Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital for treatment of minor injuries. The victim in the car ahead of her wasn't injured.
Investigators say the teen admitted to troopers she was texting, using Facetime and Snapchatting while driving. The police report says the teen will be charged with reckless driving.
A spokesperson for Washington State Patrol says the crash is an example of extreme distracted driving and reason to restart the conversation on the dangers of distracted driving.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, everyday in the United States, on average, 9 people are killed in distracted driving-related accidents and more than 1,100 are injured.
The U.S. Government has a website dedicated to preventing distracted driving. On the site, they offer advice for parents with young drivers. Among the tips, they suggest parents make a pledge with their driving-age children and discuss state laws.
WSP troopers say distracted driving is among the most common cause for injury-related crashes. Investigators say they are also getting better at being able to prove drivers are guilty of distracted driving. In layman's terms? Drivers are less likely than ever to get away with it.